Sunday, October 16, 2011

Reflections: Weeks 5 & 6

Fri: 10/13 - Comparing Prof & Stein vs.  Gemütlichkeit.
  According to Wikipedia, Gemütlichkeit “connotes the notion of belonging,  
social acceptance, cheerfulness, the absence of anything hectic and the opportunity 
to spend quality time.”  To be honest, Gemütlichkeit at CTS has more Profs more 
stein and more, well,  Gemütlichkeit.  The event reflects the campus in that there
 may be more married students, wives and children that single students. 
Also, here it is every Friday (CSL has alternate Fridays) and the ever for beer 
is  a flat $3 rather than a suggested donation.  Prof & Stein does have the 
advantage of giving a soap box to a professor, but as an event CTS wins this 

Thurs: 10/13 – Battle for the Norwegians
 Today I met Simon and (friend) from Norway.  They were visiting the campus 
as prospective exchange students.  At the fellowship time after chapel I learned 
they visited CSL yesterday and will chose between the two as such an exchange is 
required in their program.  I discussed differences between the Seminaries and 
today have the befit of stealing (friend's) observation.  CTL is a better 
environment for a well rounded theological exposure, while CSL has more resources 
and options.  Upon further explanation, CTS has more opportunities to visit with
 professors (post-chapel fellowship time, lunchtime, Gemütlichkeit, etc.) while 
St. Louis offers the events of a city, more opportunities to view ministry in 
different contexts.
I must admit he has a fair assessment in these small assessments. 
More faculty here intermingle during at the lunch tables here with students and 
invite them over more frequently.

Sun – The other Bethlehem
 I am assigned to Bethlehem Lutheran Church for field work here, but as I
 am in St. Louis.  The similarities between the congregations is quite humorous – 
but the one here appears to be about where BLC in St. Louis was 25 years ago. 
 I just wanted to mention here that when our church assignments were announced, 
it was part of an event where the pastors (or some lay church leader) came and 
had lunch with their newly assigned field-workers on a specific “orientation” day 
during Field Ed class.  This was a great idea I think CSL should consider as well.  

Mon: 10/10 - Trips on break
 The feature of Lutheran Women's Quarterly for Fall 2011 is Deaconess 
Raquel Rojas.  I met Deaconess Rojas on the Ministry in Urban Context trip to 
New York last February.  One of the most disappointing things about CTS is how 
little opportunity to travel to different situations compared to CSL.  I mentioned 
the field module I attended before – but 2 hours in the classroom doesn't compare
 to what I lived for a week in Guatemala regarding Hispanic ministry. 
Last year, I saw CSL offering trips to Belize, Guatemala, Jamaica, India, 
Estonia, Africa, New York, California, Chicago...Sure they cost money, but 
many had stipends.
 Here the Missions rep, Adam, has a speaker at 120 almost ever Friday, but 
according to the Daily Announcements Ben J. is bringing in speakers at CSL much 
more frequently than I saw last year as well.

Sat: 10/8 – Intermurals
 With such a small student population, inter-murals here are not 
reminiscent of St. Louis'.  Here the inter-murals are basically pick-up games on
 Saturdays – flag football and tennis.

Fri: 10/5 – Lutherfest
 Tonight the Women's Seminary Guild held Lutherfest in the Katherine Luther 
Dining Hall.  Though the food was available to students at our normal 5-6 slot, 
wee were also invited to join the guild and it's supporters for the meal and 
auction until 7:30.  This event precedes donation day (this Tuesday).  This is a 
great opportunity to eat and meet with people who are on and support the guild. 
They are the group who provided the free laundry machines and use.
 Once again, I know we went in to briefly thank the CSL Seminary Guild 
during their meeting once, but I don't remember a convenient opportunity where we 
were intermingled with them. I will look for this in the months ahead.

Wed: 10/5 – Bib & Tech
 Students here are required to take a 0 credit course of Library and
 resources. One evening per week for the first four weeks, each students attends 
a three-hour session.  Topics include finding resources in the library, the 
digital library resources, historical book collection, and an introduction to 
Logos.  Rev. Rothmeyer credits this course as the reason they do not staff a 
Reference Desk.

Sun: 10/2 – Monthly Brunch
 Creative Dining holds a brunch open to the greater community the first 
Sunday of each month.  I find this a great way to invite the community in, provide 
a place for alumni and parents to get together, and gives us students a convenient
 opportunity to meet Seminary supporters, parents, former students, and other
 people just out for  an excellent meal.  Depending on the quality of the new
 dining service, I would like to see this in St. Louis in the future.

Sat: 10/1 – Field Ed Modules
 This morning I sat in on a presentation from 8-12 entitled “Can a 
Hispanic become a member in my congregation?”  This was a decent presentation, 
but after an hour I realized I had lived during a week in Guatemala what they 
were explaining on this rainy morning in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  In St Louis, we 
have a more experience-based module program where we go out and witness/assist 
ministry in institutional and cross-cultural contexts as a weekly event during 
our first two quarters. For example, this winter I am two other Seminarians went 
to a you detention center in Illinois each Tuesday evening for a bible study and 
hymn sing.
 I don't remember the details, but CTS students must attend a certain 
number of these Saturday morning modules to fulfill their pre-vicarage 

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